Consumption of sesame is beneficial for health just look of it benefits !

 Sesame is very beneficial for the body. It not only relieves constipation, but also removes breathing problems.

                       Sessame seeds

 Sesame is used in all of our homes.  It is especially used in sweet dishes.  But do you know how many benefits this small mole has for the body.  Sesame is very beneficial for heart related diseases.

*  Let us know about its more benefits !


 ✓ Avoid diabetes.

 Sesame contains magnesium and it plays an effective role in making blood pressure and plasma glucose work in diabetic patients.

✓ Treatment of anemia

 Sesame seeds contain a lot of iron.  Therefore, it is beneficial for anemia.

✓ Effective in cancer.

 Some experiments have shown that sesame seeds are helpful in preventing the risk of colorectal tuberculosis, certain types of cancer.

✓Sesame oil is good for your hair

Sure, it requires a ‘little getting used to’, once you start incorporating sesame oil into your hair care routine, you will learn that it is a blessing. The highly nutritious and lubricating sesame oil is full of vitamins B and E, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous –_all essential for nourishing your scalp and hair. Massaging the oil into roots and scalp to keep your locks shiny and full. It also effectively hydrates the dry scalp, prevent hair loss, and relieve from itchiness or dandruff.

✓ Constipation relief

 Due to the high amount of fiber, sesame helps to improve intestinal activity.  Hence sesame is considered beneficial for constipation.

✓ Glowing skin.

 Massaging the skin with sessame oil  keeps the skin soft.  It maintains the resilience of the skin by keeping it soft and gentle and also helps in healing the minor bruises, cuts.

✓ Strength of breath.

 Magnesium present in sesame is helpful in removing asthma and other respiratory diseases by removing airway obstruction.

✓ Helps in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Copper is essential for building red blood cells, making connective tissue and keeping nerves and blood vessels healthy. Copper is also an anti-inflammatory mineral. Therefore, it is said to have positive effects on relieving arthritic painA cup (144 g) of sesame seeds contains about 5.9 mg copper (294% of the daily value). Calcium, magnesium, and zinc present in sesame seeds also beneficial in strengthening bones, joints, and blood vessels.

✓ Helps Lessen Anxiety

Sesame seeds contain the stress-relieving minerals magnesium and calcium. Sesame also contains the calming vitamins thiamin and tryptophan that help produce serotonin, which reduces pain, assists moods, and helps you sleep deeply.

 Fight of free radicals

The food we eat, the alcohol we consume, and the environment we live in generate free radicals. They, in turn, damage DNA, cells and proteins and may lead to various diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and cancer. Emerging pieces of evidence suggest that sesame oil is a powerhouse of antioxidants especially, sesamol.

✓Encourages Bone Health and Prevents Osteoporosis : 

  A  handful of sesame seeds contains more calcium than a glass of milk. The high zinc content of sesame also boosts bone mineral density.

 How to consume ?

> Sesame Casserole ........ Use sesame seeds while making casserole, eat casserole with chole or raita.  Garnishing can also be done with sesame seeds.

Combine sesame dressing with ……. Take sesame seeds on top of salad.

> Sesame seeds using in sweet indian dishes named barfi, chikki, etc Consuming during the winter days is a boon for both health and skin.  But remember one thing, excessive intake of anything can be harmful, no matter how beneficial they may be.  Sesame is beneficial, it does not mean that you eat sesame throughout the day.  Use sesame in the highest quantity, whose results you will see yourself.  That mole is really beneficial.

 Thanks !