This tree is poisonous as The King kobra.

                     (Cerbera odollam)

Cerbera odollam is a dicotyledonous angiosperm, a plant species in the family Apocynaceae

This tree is as poisonous as the king cobra, this tree Ravi Sarbera Odolam is a tree which contains as much poison as the cobra, it is also known as the suicide tree because it is very dangerous. Suicide tree found in some other countries of Southeast Asia including India. 

 Wherever this tree is found, people are specially alerted and security and arrangements are made so that people do not reach around it.

Its fruit, when still green, looks like a small mango or looks like a carry that's why this is very dangerous if an  people eat this with the thinking of little mango that's cause death . 

  Every week one person dies from this plant, it is estimated that after doing many scientific research, it has been found that it is a much more poisonous tree than other poisonous plants.

 The reason for poisoning of this tree is the seed of its fruit, in which a poisonous element called saberin is found.

The plant’s lethality comes from the toxin in its seeds. Means it is very poisonous plant  Typically used to produce rat poison and deodorant, in humans the chemical disrupts the heartbeat and can cause the heart to stop entirely. 

Certain people died with this plant by heart attack or heart failure 
 And many of people's used it and died.

That's why now~ 

 If one eats a small amount of sarberine, then there is a burning sensation in the stomach, due to fraudulent use of sarberin, a person experiences other serious diseases like vomiting, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea.

 Due to which the person also dies, it can be dangerous to eat the fruit of any tree without knowing.

Uses ~

The fruits are used for manufacturing bioinsecticides and deodorants the seeds are used of this plant for biodiesel thats investigated

Most of the poisoning trees or plant normally found at vee different places but still some people got died by that trees and plants . 

These plant are very dangerous that's why when these type of plant found at differ places or forest don't touch them or known by Google if doubt .