What is Haemoglobin ? 

Haemoglobin has special importance in keeping the body healthy, when it is deficient, many diseases are feared. That's why it is necessary to maintain the level of heamoglobin In our blood and the checking of haemoglobin by a meter.  the  Normal hemoglobin counts are 14 to 17 gm/dL (grams per deciliter) for men and 12 to 15 gm/dL for women. the process of formation of hemoglobin.
The process of formation of haemoblobin ÷ 

: Haemoblobin produced when the iron present in the body combines with the proteins found in our body.

Iron helps to maintain the flow of oxygen in the body through red blood cells, in these red blood cells iron combines with proteins and starts the process of hemoglobin formation in the body.

When we breathe, the iron present in our lungs pulls oxygen towards it and from there it helps to spread throughout the body through red blood cells, where oxygen is needed in the body, these cells give this oxygen  Release works.

# Due to iron deficiency, these diseases can be occur

# pain in the body, especially in the head and chest.

Anemia means deficiency of blood in body

# Kidney and liver diseases.

# muscle

Haemoblobin is necessary for good health , persons who have deficiency of haemoglobin who takes haemoglobin by medicines by syrup . Many syrup are available in the medi market in which haemoglobin present takes orally in the form of syrup.