Benefits of running

Let's know How to run like a athlete, best running tips, benefits of running 

 Running is the best way to stay fit.  It also keeps the mind healthy along with the body

 According to the British Journal of Sport Medicine, the risk of death from the disease is lower by 30% compared to other people in the running. 

According to the baal State University of America, runners at the age of 65 are also like 25 years old like fittness.   But to become a runner, one of the most important goals. If a running event is your goal then you can be serious towards your objective.

 Olympian jeff Gellov has stated a plan to move from learning level to advanced level of running.

Let's  Know the way of running from the beginning level to the advanced level.

 We will understand it in three categories.

 If you have just started running or you are starting to run, then you start with a walk.  After a 1 to 2 minute walk, 30 seconds ran.  Then ran for 1 minute, repeating this sequence.

 Mid Level: 
 If it has been some time for running, then after 1-2 minutes walk, run 1 to 5 minutes.  Then walk for a minute or two and keep repeating the same sequence at your convenience.

 If running is now in your practice, then run for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then run for 6 to 8 minutes.  Keep repeating the same sequence.

 Training 3 days a week.

 Training for 3 days a week can make your running even better.  Run thirty days on Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 days a week.  Plan long running on Sunday, that is, a little more than the remaining 2 days.  
4 days can do cross training.  You run according to your ability.  Keep taking breaks in between.

Running provides better feeling when we wake up and go for running early in the morning. some people's are not aware about fitness may suffer through health problems


 Benefits of running might surprise you. When we runs our blood circulation increase because the demand of oxygen for all the body parts also increase so all the body parts get enough oxygen. Let's know the more benefits of running. 


✓  Weight loss : 

 Because it involves continuously moving your entire body weight, running burns more calories than most other activities and you and have need to run fast to achieve maximum burn. You can also burn calories with slow running but it takes some time. 

You burn 705 to 865 calories/hour.fat moving up-down help in breakdown of fat.

✓  Heart health: 

 Running pushes tolerance to heart,when our blood flow with increasing rate, during running. So if you want to keep your heart healthy let's start running. 

✓  mental health: 

  When you runs your body realeases chemicals which helps with mental well-being. 

 ✓ Immune system : 

  A person who runs has good immune system compared to normal peoples who do not exercise. 

✓Bone strength :  

Running provides a better circulation throughout the body and all the body part get enough requirements for their needs and that's the reason the person who runs looks as well as internally strong.

 Running has a benefit that it also help in bone strengthning your body sends essential minerals to  bones to strengthen them when stressed. 

By increasing the strength of your tendons and ligaments you increased your joint strength and reduces chances of injuries to your ankle, hips, and knees.

Blood pressure : 

Your arteries expand and contract while running, helping the arteries to stay fit which then helps to keep your blood pressure within normal range

stress relief 

 Running may enhances your mood and this is experienced. When we runs our body is in full active condition , increases confidence to fight any problem means helps in stress relief.