Mucormycocis symptoms, mucormycocis treatment.

 Corona patients in the country are recovering from the treatment, however, some of such people are having trouble in seeing and breathing, doctors are describing this condition as mucormycosis.  Let's know what the experts say about mucormycocis.

 What is mucormycocis ?

 Mucormycocis is a fungal infection.  It affects people who are undergoing treatment for any other disease.  This reduces the ability to fight environmental pathogens.  On breathing, the fungal tubules start to affect the lungs.  This can lead to a serious condition of the patient.

 What are the symptoms of Mucormycocis ?

 Redness, pain around the eyes, nose, fever, headache, difficulty in phlegm breathing, vomiting with blood, changes in mental status are the major symptoms of mucormycosis.  In addition, nasal congestion, pain in the bones of the cheeks, swelling on one side of the face - pain, weakness and chest pain etc. also indicate mucormycosis.

 Who is at greater risk of mucormycosis ?

 Uncontrolled diabetes, decreased immunity with the use of steroid medication, prolonged stay in the ICU, co-morbidiasis (co-disease), transplantation and malaise are at greater risk of mucormycosis.

 How can mucormycocis be prevented ?

 There is a way to prevent Mucormycocis - use masks in dusty places.  Touch soil, manure or moss only while wearing long trousers, long sleeve shirt, shoes, gloves.  Take care of personal hygiene.  Take a bath by rubbing the body.

 What to do if you have mucormycocis ?

 Control hyperglycemia (excess glucose levels in blood).  After recovering from corona and diabetes, keep paying attention to the level of glucose in the blood.  Take the steroid medicine in the right amount and time.  Use clean and non-bacterial water for oxygen therapy.  If possible, do exercise and exercise.  Antibiotics and antifungals should be used in a proper way, or by not taking too much antibiotics or antifungals, side effects can also occur.

 What not to do if you have mucormycocis ?

 Do not be careless about mucormycocis related warnings and symptoms.  Do not delay treatment.  However, mucormycocis does not necessarily occur after Carona is cured.  Do not panic, consult a doctor.

 What to do for the prevention of mucormycocis ?

 Take measures to control diabetes.  Stop the use of steroid medicine if the condition of the patient is cured.  Do not use anti-fungal medicines without medical advice.  Try to maintain proper amount of water in the body.

 From which doctors in Mucormycocis. Can I get advice ?

 Different symptoms in mucormycocis can be consulted by microbiologists, internal medicine specialists, neurologists, ear-throat specialists, eye doctors, dentists, facial or plastic surgeons and biochemists.