Climate change effects on the earth. you should know.   

                       ( Climate change )

 Due to the compassion crisis, the environment has been clean due to them, but the ever-increasing pollution and human activities have adversely affected the global climate. June 5 is World Environment Day. It is a matter of serious concern for scientists on this occasion that the storm  , Changing climatic conditions like rising heat can be fatal this year and in the coming years

 An international group of experts has reported that the heatwaves, tropical storms and fire seasons caused by the changing climate could be even more deadly this year.  With the onset of summer, the Northern Hemisphere countries are about to enter the danger zone when the weather risks are greatest.  India and Bangladesh have been hit by its biggest storm this year.

 Most parts of the world, particularly in the hemisphere region, are among the parts of this year where extreme weather conditions pose deep risks.
 Recently, it has been observed that the first storm of the year starts well before the official date of its session, the monsoon starts in India and Bangladesh from the month of June, during which cyclones are often produced in the Indian Ocean from May onwards. 

  That the recent cyclone came in the form of Anfan.  Because of that, in both of these countries, there is devastation in the North Western regions, here the typhoon i.e. the storm starts from May and it usually takes the most devastating form in the month of July.  Hajibis is counted among the most destructive storms of all time, killing about 100 people and causing more than $ 15 billion in damage.

 Fast heat created a record in 2019

  The fastest summer in Europe and East Asian countries is read in the month of July.  In the year 2019, compared to other years, there was a lot of heat, in the year 2018, in Japan, 70000 patients were admitted to the hospital because of the heat, at least 1032 people lost their lives due to the heat in America. 

 Forest fire increased heart and breath patients 

 According to experts, the risk of fire is in hot and dry weather, there was more than 100 deaths due to summer forest fire in July 2018.In the same year, there was a fire in California as well.  Due to this, 1124 heart patients and 20 27 respiratory patients were admitted, 13 to 5 patients with asthma were admitted to the emergency.

 Role of changing climate in birds growing up 

 These two players have attacked East Africa, the Horn of Africa and various parts of South Asia. Climate change creates a favorable environment for birds to thrive.  Breeding of other species of sparrows takes place in May period. The breeding of the third generation is likely to be in June-July. Incidentally the harvest season also starts at the same time. Sparrows panic has taken a form in 25 years.

  Climate change has these
  Has deepened major threats

    >>>>>>>>               High speed hurricane

 1.  Storms increasing at 8% every decade
 Scientists say that due to climate change, these storms will become even more massive. In May 2020, the study said that storms are increasing by 8%, this is one of the reasons that climate change is constantly happening in human activities.  Due to carbon emissions, storms become even more dangerous.

                          (Hot summer)

 2 .  Over 69 years the heat exchanged 9.8%.
 Temperature in 1980 used to be occasional, and in the last 30 years the average summer heat has increased.  The heat has become more hot in the world than it was before in the ten percent parts of the world. Now, between 1951 and 1980, such heat was read only in 0.1 or 0.2%.
 The high heat in Europe started increasing since the 1950s which is still going on.

                                  ( Dry )

 3. Greater water risk on 80% population

 Climate change will increase the incidence of drought. According to an estimate, in the next six months, East America South America may be affected by South East Asia region. In 2018, 400,000 people were affected by drought in Cape Town. 80% of the world's population is already facing water shortage.  This climate change problem is facing us in a more difficult situation because the water level is potable only 0.1% is on our land, the rest 70% of the water is marine water and other water which is not potable.  And if we talk about glaciers, we cannot melt them and drink them because their size is very large, which is very difficult to collect and they make it very difficult to use water, so we have only one source of drinking water  The stream and its label are also low in the ground, so we have to take care not to misuse the water.

 4. Increase in fire growth up to 70% by 2050

 Due to the rising temperature due to climate change, the incidence of fire in the forests has increased. According to the climatic model, the heat outbreak is very large by the year 2000. By this estimate, by 2050, it will increase even more.  Which can prove to be quite fatal but if human learns to live from these conditions and avoids climate change, then whole life can be right and as before, due to rising heat, this climate change will create a new problem in human life. 

World environment day is celebrated on 5th June 

World environment day

The word environment is made up of two words, pari and veil in which pari means around us or say that which is around us.  At the same time, 'covering' means that which surrounds us.

 The environment is made up of climate, hygiene, pollution and all of the trees, and all these things i.e. the environment is directly related to and affects our daily life.

The world environment day brings a feeling us for make our environment more safe

 Human and environment are dependent on each other.  Environmental pollution such as reduced pollution or trees have a direct impact on human body and health.  Human good habits such as saving trees, preventing climate pollution, keeping cleanliness also affect the environment.  Human bad habits like contaminating water, wasting, excessive amount of felling of trees etc. badly affects the environment.  As a result, humans have to face natural disasters later.

 This day declared by the United Nations is celebrated to bring awareness towards the environment globally.  It began in 1972 at the World Environment Conference organized by the United Nations General Assembly from 5 June to 16 June.  The first World Environment Day was observed on 5 June 1973.

 The biological components of the environment include everything from microorganisms to insects, insects, animals and plants and all the biological activities and processes associated with them.  Whereas the inorganic components of the environment contain inanimate elements and their associated processes, such as: mountains, rocks, river, wind and climate elements etc.

  • In general terms, it is a unit consisting of all biological and abiotic elements, facts, processes and events that affect our lives.  It pervades us and every event in our lives depends on it and is edited.  All actions by humans directly and indirectly affect the environment.  Thus, there is also a relation between an organism and the environment, which is interdependent.Many people s are awared for environment and grow new plants and save water and gives a role in to make safe environment.The forest rain clouds having a big role in attract rain clouds as well .

  •  On the basis of human intervention, the environment can be divided into two parts, the first is the natural or natural environment and man-made environment.  This division is in accordance with the excess and decrease of the amount of human intervention in natural processes and conditions.

Environmental problems such as pollution, climate change etc. are motivating humans to rethink about their lifestyle and now the need for environmental protection and environmental management is important.  Today, what we need most is to make the general public and educated readers aware of the issue of environmental crisis.

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