World's first bullet train                        

World's first bullet train ran in 1964 

 India is trying to bring the bullet train to itself.  In countries like China and Japan, the journey of bullet train is like a lifeline. Do you know when the first bullet train was built, if we do not know then let us tell you.

The idea of ​​running a high-speed train for the first time in Japan came up in 1930.  When this train first started in 1964, it looked like a gunshot, so it was named Bullet Train. The Japanese bullet train network is called Shinkashen which means New Main Line.  China's bullet train is the fastest.

 The fastest commercially operated bullet train is in China. The Shanghai Maglev train completes its journey at a speed of 268 mph with daily passengers.

Who made the first bullet train ? 
In the United Kingdom, hs1  is also used by regional trains run by Southerners at speeds of up to 225 km/h, and occasionally freight trains that run to central Europe.

The maximum operating speed is 320 km/h (200 mph) (on a 387.5 km section of the Tōhoku Shinkansen). Test runs reached about 443 km/h (275 mph) for conventional rail in 1996, and up to a world record 603 km/h (375 mph) for SCMaglev a Japanese trains in April 2015. That's a very fast train speed just like need for speed 

 Echoing voice

 When the bullet train passes through, its sound will be very loud. In general, the Japanese government has built a tunnel under the ground to run a bullet train running at 200 mph and the signal control is much better there.  For example, countries like China and Japan are at the forefront of technology today.

Who made the first bullet train ?    

Ans. Hideo shima 

∆  Who Is Hideo Shima ? 

Shima Hideo, 20 May 1901 – 18 March 1998) was a Japanese engineer and the driving force behind the building of the first bullet train (Shinkansen). Shima was born in Osaka in 1901, and educated at the Tokyo Imperial University, where he studied Mechanical Engineering. Hideo Shima has a great contribution for Japan in the field of technology he was a well educated engineer who got the honour for building world first bullet train 

In China, high-speed lines at speeds between 200 and 250 km/h (124 and 155 mph) may carry freight or passengers. While lines operating at speeds over 300 km/h (186 mph) are used only by passenger CRH trains.