home workout, best yoga , how to do exercises

Exercise & gym  

Every person wants to get fit and stay healthy but we know that every people is not healthy and fit due to certain reasons some of  the people are not aware about his fitness and some are aware but he or she don't know how I get healthy and good body at home.

For that you have to follow just our these steps so that you get your good health and fitness without going anywhere from home.

How to get gymlike body body at home ?


(1) Bow pose :

These exercise open the channels of our body and improves blood circulation at a time and this is very helpful for healthy body.


(2) YOGA :
 Benefit of yoga might surprise you. yoga is the way to fit, morning medication is the way to get fit with mentally and healthy.



You can do push-ups very easily let's know how to do push-ups

The below given pictures shows you first start with 12 pushups

And make the pairs of 3
Means total 36 in first  than improves day by day this helps lot

                          Home workout

(4) SIT UPS :

This exercise is very helpful for making body six packs it's cool to hear but we have to do more practice for that .

Follow these steps to do it's more easily. 

  - Start by lying on the ground on your back with your knees bent, feet flat, and your hands behind your head.

-Keeping your feet glued to the ground, begin to roll up from your head, engaging your core throughout. Don’t strain your neck during the upward motion.

 - When your chest reaches your legs, begin the controlled phase back down to the starting position.

 - Complete 3 sets of 15 reps as a beginner.

  - First start with 12 sit ups and then rest and again do 12 times then again 12 times

Picture shown below how to do this

                     How to workout at home 


Squats increase lower body and core strength, as well as flexibility in your lower back and hips. Because they engage some of the largest muscles in the body, they also pack a major punch in terms of calories burned.
this exercise help relief in leg stretches and pains.
This provides sudden energy to the body and means heat or improves body  circulation at a time .
tart by standing straight, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your arms at your sides.